HR Happy Hour 116 - 'The Labor Day Show'

HR Happy Hour show

Summary: HR Happy Hour Episode 116 - 'The Labor Day Show' Sponsored by Aquire Thursday, September 1, 2011 - 8PM ET / 5PM PT Call in 646-378-1086 Follow the backchannel on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour We've spent over two years on the HR Happy Hour Show talking about all kinds of workplace and workforce issues - recruiting, performance management, technology, benefits, communications, and on and on. But the one thing we really have not spent any time on is what work really means to the listeners of the show on a more personal level. For many, work and especially our earliest experiences in the workplace play a significant role in our ensuing career choices, the friends and associates we've met along the way, and for some, even our most important personal relationships. This week on the show, in honor of work and of the upcoming Labor Day holiday, we thought we'd open up the phone lines to talk about our experiences with work and working. What were some of those early jobs you had that you look back on and laugh about, or even continue to draw from later in your career?  Was there a particular mentor, boss, or co-worket you'll never forget? What's your dream job? Or have you found your dream job already? This week we want to talk about work, but really, we want you to share your stories of work and working and what it means to you. No guest, just calls, comments and tweets. And oh year, the HR Minion, Shauna Moerke will be back in the co-pilot seat for the night as well! I hope you can join us!