HR Happy Hour 120 - 'Moneyball and Talent'

HR Happy Hour show

Summary: HR Happy Hour Episode 120 - 'Moneyball and Talent' Sponsored by Aquire Presented by The 8 Man Rotation Thursday, October 6, 2011 - 8:00 PM ET Call in 646-378-1086 Follow the backchannel on Twitter - #HRHappyHour Your pals from the 8 Man Rotation are back talking sports and talent and getting the edge on your competition.  You've probably read, seen, or at least heard of the 'Moneyball', the 2003 book by Michael Lewis that documented the innovative approaches for architecting the Oakland A's baseball club in the early 2000's. Simply stated, the A's, led by GM Billy Beane, implemented a highly analytical approach to talent acquisition, strategy, and evaluation that allowed them, (for a time), to acheive success against their much better funded competitors. Can 'Moneyball' correlate and resonate with Talent and HR pros today? What lessons can we take away from the analytical approach to talent? Can we really leverage a 'trade secret' for all that long? Tonight on the show we will kick it around, and maybe even mix in some NBA lockout, baseball playoffs, and WNBA finals chat as well. It should be a fun show and I hope you can join us.