HR Happy Hour 126 - 'Senior HR Execs- What's On Their Mind'

HR Happy Hour show

Summary: HR Happy Hour Episode 126 - 'The Senior HR Executive Conference Recap' Thursday November 17, 2011 - 8:00PM ET Call in on 646-378-1086  - Follow the backchannel on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour This week I attended and co-presented along with Trish McFarlane and Jennifer McClure  at the Conference Board Senior HR Executive Conference in New York City. It was a great event, and this week on the show we thought it might be a good idea to share some of the common themes and issues that many of the most senior HR leaders at some of the world's largest companies are facing. We will touch on talent management, leadership development, social networking and more.  What are the Senior HR Leaders talking, thinking, worried about? Tune in and learn more!