Lukas Grunwald: "New Attack to RFID-Systems and their Middle ware and Backends"

Black Hat Briefings, Las Vegas 2006 [Audio] Presentations from the security conference show

Summary: "This talk provides an overview of new RFID technologies used for dual-interface cards (credit cards, ticketing and passports), and RFID tags with encryption and security features. Problems and attacks to these security features are discussed and attacks to these features are presented. After dealing with the tags, an overview to the rest of an RFID-implementation, middleware and backend database and the results of special attacks to this infrastructure are given. Is it possible that your cat is carrying an RFID virus? And how might one attack the backend systems, and what does an RFID malware design look like? At the end of this talk, there is a practical demonstration of these discussed attacks. Lukas Grunwald is the CTO of DN-Systems Enterprise Internet Solutions GmbH (Hildesheim/Germany), a globally acting consulting office working mainly in the field of security and Internet/eCommerce and Supply Council solutions for enterprises."