Panel: Meet the Feds: OODA Loop and the Science of Security

Black Hat Briefings, Las Vegas 2006 [Audio] Presentations from the security conference show

Summary: "The OODA Loop theory was conceived by Col John Boyd, AF fighter pilot. He believed that a pilot in a lethal engagement that could Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (OODA) before his adversary had a better chance to survive. He considered air combat an art rather than a science. John Boyd proved air combat could be codified; for every maneuver there is a series of counter maneuvers and there is a counter to every counter. Today, successful fighter pilots study every option open to their adversary and how to respond. This panel's focus is on the government efforts to try to get inside the cyber adversary's OODA Loop and survive another type of potential cyber lethal engagement. The bad guys are coming at us at the speed of light, so how do we as law enforcement or security experts get inside our adversaries’ OODA Loop."