HD Moore: Metasploit Reloaded

Black Hat Briefings, Las Vegas 2006 [Audio] Presentations from the security conference show

Summary: "Over the last three years, the Metasploit Framework has evolved from a klunky exploit toolkit to a sleek EIP-popping machine. The latest version of the Framework is the result of nearly two years of development effort and has become a solid platform for security tool development and automation. In this talk, we will demonstrate how to use the new Framework to automate vulnerability assessments, perform penetration testing, and build new security tools that interact with complex network protocols. HD Moore is Director of Security Research at BreakingPoint Systems where he focuses on the security testing features of the BreakingPoint product line. Prior to joining BreakingPoint, HD co-founded Digital Defense, a managed security services firm, where he developed the vulnerability assessment platform and lead the security research team. HD is the founder of the Metasploit Project and one of the core developers of the Metasploit Framework, the leading open-source exploit development platform. In his spare time, HD searches for new vulnerabilities, develops security tools, and contributes to open-source security projects."