Lower Beginner #14 - How Many Norwegian Mountains Did You Climb This Morning?

Learn Norwegian | NorwegianClass101.com show

Summary: Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Kjersti’s mother: Hei Kjersti, hvordan hadde dere det? Kjersti: Vi har hatt det kjempefint! Vi dro opp til Galdhøpiggen, og klatret opp på natten. Espen: Mmm, så kom vi opp på morgenen og fikk sett soloppgangen. Kjersti’s mother: Nei, men så flott da. ----Formal English---- Kjersti's mother: Hi, Kjersti, how was your trip? Kjersti: We had a great time! We went to Galhøpiggen and climbed up during the night. Espen: Mmm, then we reached the top during morning and saw the sunrise. Kjersti's mother: Oh, how wonderful! --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!