[BLOCKED] October 1, 2001

Dee Snider Radio show

Summary: So you call yourself a Dee Snider Radio Peep, huh? Well, I'm going to put you to the test. Each DSR episode has a lot of content...A LOT. It would really help to get the word out about this website if there was a detailed breakdown of the content of each show. The idea being that if people do an internet search on a certain subject, it will pull up any Dee Snider Radio show that mentioned or relates to the a subject (i.e. Prostate Exams or Eating Human Placenta) and bring them to the website. So what do I need you to do? While you are listening to a DSR episode, (that hasn't been detailed) jot down any subject we discuss. As you can see from the couple of shows that have been broken down...we talked about a lot of different stuff in the course of one show. So make a list, the simpler and more detailed the better (i.e. President Bush, high school, Nick's wet dream, Dee's pet peeve, fast food, etc - formatted exactly the same way, keyword comma space) and submit it to my WebMaster Cooch, using his contact form on this site. You will not only be recognized for your contribution, but you will be helping to spread the word about this website and can be content in the knowledge that you are a True Peep and dedicated Dee-ciple of the legendary Dee Snider Radio. I thank you in advance for your help and with it I will continue to post more and more Dee Snider Radio episodes for your enjoyment. --Dee