Several Reasons Why You’re Still Single – Episode 0009

Relations - The Podcast show

Summary: In This Episode: ...we’re discussing (arguing?) why you are single, yes you, with the forehead. What’s the big deal with being by yourself...all the time? Well we’ll tell you, or not. By the end of this episode you’ll learn: All the reasons you are single Is it good to be single Who is keeping you single How your type is keeping you single Download Episode 0009! (right click, then click "Save Link As...") The Problem We all came into this world alone, but aside from magnificent only-children (ahem), society has an issue with you staying that way, especially the older you get, and especially if you have a uterus that is hourglassing eggs out of it at disgusting, methodical pace. By the end of this episode you’ll either feel much better, or much worse about being old and alone...or not. We can’t do anything about the eggs though...sorry. The Experts Say... Jason Underberg | Why You’re Still Single at 30 What was promised to make our lives easier may be true in some instances, but when it comes to dating, that’s just not the case. You no longer meet someone and wonder when you’ll see them next. You no longer have to hurry home so you can call them while laying in bed. But don’t give up just yet! If you decide not to snoop the social pages, google their bios, or pay for an extensive background check, there just may be some hope. Sexy Single Mommy | The REAL Reason Why You’re Still Single The People Pleaser Woman - You want to make everyone around you happy, especially the men in your life.  You bend over backwards to help him, even if it means sacrificing your own happiness.  You are a pushover and a doormat.   The Got My Stuff Together Woman - This is the woman who on the “outside” has it all together.  Let her tell you, “I don’t need a man for anything.” because she has a good job, her own house and a nice car.  She is paying all her bills and holds it down by herself.  She often attracts the man who is below her level and needs a woman with all the things that she has because he has little to none of them.  She may end up being with a man who allows her to wear the pants in the relationship, however, it probably won’t work for long because she will feel like he has no backbone and either she will leave first or he will. Who is keeping you single? | Why Are You Still Single? Top 5 People Who Are Holding You Back Rom-Com Stars - “Why can’t we just be like Bella and Edward?!” If you’ve ever found yourself thinking this — or heaven forbid, saying it out loud — snap yourself out of your dream world right now. Don’t expect every fight to be resolved with him holding a boombox on top of his head outside of your window. The truth is that we’re flawed human beings, and not every relationship is meant to be. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t still worth the experience or that either of you necessarily did something wrong. Your Boss - Focusing on your career and being successful at work is definitely a good outlet for your independence, but it isn’t exactly accommodating for a new relationship. Relationships take time and effort, which your boss might not be happy about sacrificing when he’s paying you for your time and effort too. Talk to your boss about opportunities to work from home or more vacation time to work on yourself. It might be a great job, but if it’s holding you back from living your life outside of it, it might be time to start sending out your résumé again. XOJane (via | Stuff Not To Say To Your Single 30-Something Friend “But you’re SO pretty! I can’t believe you don’t have a boyfriend.” - Honestly what am I supposed to do with this information? If being pretty is the key to finding true love, and yet I am pretty and haven’t, logic would suggest I am permanently screwed. Did you find your boyfriend because you’re a knockout? Or rather because you met someone you connected with? Just a thought. “Are you seeing anybody?