Insights into a Loving Marriage

mollanderson show

Summary: We'veall heard the phrase what I wish had known yesterday! Well transformational leader, speaker and life coach Gerald Rogers had one of those moments too. After posting an article on facebook that went viral, “Marriage Advice I Wish I Would Have Had” Gerald became a household name. You may have seen him on the Today Show and now he is here to discuss what lessons he learned from his marriage after his recent divorce. You definitely don’t want to miss his insights and you’ll be happy to know that he has a book in the works. Producer Susannah and I have a couple of great articles to go right along with Gerald’s advice. “Top 20 Secrets to a Great Marriage” suggests that you treat your spouse better than you treat anyone else, and encourage your spouse’s dreams and goals, but there were also some eye openers here that could really help with your marriage. Now if your marriage is already over and you are going to be dating after your divorce, we found a great article for advice called “It’s a Date” all rules for that first date, after the divorce. Dawn McCoy from stops in to help us with the fall line of cosmetics. I may just have time today for an Ask Moll question. You can get your questions to me by emailing me at Our hot pick song of the week goes to Imagine Dragons with their newest release Demons. See you next week and be prepared to be inspired from my total transformation show