Don't Let It Go Unheard: Is Ted Cruz The Guy?

Don't Let It Go show

Summary: Weekly live webcast/podcast devoted to discussion of news and politics from the perspective of Ayn Rand's philosophy, Objectivism. Hosted by Amy Peikoff.   Showcasing their tremendous powers of evasion, the Senate has voted 79-19 for cloture on the continuing resolution (CR). As I type this, the Senate is voting to remove the language in the House CR that defunded Obamacare. So today's show will unfortunately not be a victory celebration, although ultimate victory is still possible, depending on what the House does in the coming days (and, possibly, weeks).   What I would like to do today is celebrate the fact that we have a politician in the U.S. Senate who is willing to stand up against socialized medicine, in a principled way. And the bonus: he read several passages from Ayn Rand's work in the process of doing so.