Podcast: Lamar Odom, Michael Beasley, new faces(?), Kobe’s rehab, hangover cures and tacos

LandOLakers.com | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything  show

Summary: Before we know it, training camp will be upon us and a new season will be underway. Until then, a handful of recent developments, one of which pains us to talk about, unavoidable as the topic may be. The podcast can be heard by clicking on the module above, and a list of talking points is below: * We discuss Lamar Odom’s sad situation, the tragedies he’s endured amidst professional triumphs, and wish him the best moving forward. * Many Laker fans have expressed interest in signing the recently released Michael Beasley (http://espn.go.com/blog/los-angeles/lakers/post/_/id/37168/will-the-lakers-be-in-the-michael-beasley-sweepstakes) on the cheap. Is this really a good idea? * What are the odds that the partially guaranteed contracts of Shawne Williams (http://espn.go.com/blog/los-angeles/lakers/post/_/id/37174/lakers-sign-free-agent-f-shawne-williams) and Xavier Henry get paid in full? How well would either player fit in with the Lakers? * How does a man as accomplished (and philanthropic) as Pau Gasol fail in his bid to secure Madrid as the site for the 2020 Olympics? (http://www.latimes.com/sports/lakersnow/la-sp-ln-pau-gasol-madrid-2020-olympics-20130908,0,3610012.story) We explain. * Does Kobe Bryant have an ulterior motive for keeping the public so in the loop about his Achilles tendon rehab? * It’s time for “AAK!!!” Just like we asked Flea in a recent podcast (http://landolakers.com/2013/09/03/podcast-flea-on-the-lakers-kobe-dantoni-magic-music-and-the-big-lebowski/), who would be our ultimate All-Lakers pickup squad? What’s the ultimate hangover cure? Which NFL squad that finished last in their division during the 2012 season has the best chance of making the 2013 playoffs? * Tragedy in Portland (http://www.oregonlive.com/blazers/index.ssf/2013/09/trail_blazers_taco_bell_end_chalupa_giveaways_at_m.html). How pissed would Staples Center patrons be if the Lakers and Jack in the Box ended the in-game “two free tacos” promotion? Click above to play, or just download the show here. Hope you enjoy it. To subscribe to the podcast via iTunes, click here. You can also find us on TuneIn.com by heading here (http://tunein.com/radio/Kamenetzky-Brothers-Land-OLakers-Podcast-p493529/). The post Podcast: Lamar Odom, Michael Beasley, new faces(?), Kobe’s rehab, hangover cures and tacos (http://landolakers.com/2013/09/09/podcast-lamar-odom-michael-beasley-new-faces-kobes-rehab-hangover-cures-and-tacos/) appeared first on LandOLakers.com | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything Else That Comes to Mind (http://landolakers.com).