Episode #36: Poets & Carpenters

You Can't Eat The Sunshine--Esotouric's Weekly Podcast show

Summary: Join us this week as we talk with Los Angeles poet Suzanne Lummis about poetry in the Southland, from her grandfather Charles Fletcher Lummis’ day to Charles Bukowski’s and into the present. We’ll also visit with Patricia Adler-Ingram, Executive Director of the Historical Society of Southern California, about their longtime headquarters, El Elisal, the home Charles Fletcher Lummis built for his family more than a century ago. We’ll also discuss the newly-renovated Chinese Theatre no longer having film projector in its booth, the good works of San Juan Capistrano preservationist Ilse Byrnes, Burbank’s fears over its “Mansionization” problem, a judge’s ruling that UCLA must maintain Hannah Carter’s Japanese Garden, troubling changes at the Crystal Cathedral, and Judson Glass getting the commission to restore the historic windows in Highland Park’s Masonic Hall. All this and more as Kim and Richard usher in the week of September 23rd, 2013. Photo: Charles Fletcher Lummis lifting an arroyo stone into place for his house, El Alisal.