Sarah Kathleen Peck: It starts with writing

be intrepid. show

Summary: [Note to audience: This podcast was recorded for my writing podcast, The Intrepid Author, but the discussion contains a very important conversation about marketing and communications, and thus why I've decided to also share it here.] A special honor to spend some quality time with my friend Sarah Kathleen Peck, a writer, designer, and storyteller. Sarah joined me to talk principally about her upcoming writing course, but we ended talking about the importance of writing, creativity, and the amazing personal and business benefits to writing and creativity. Sarah writes out of It Starts With... Some highlights from our conversation: 1. We are ALL creatives. 2. "Writing is about discovering what's inside of you." 3. You are a writer. Whether you realize it or not... 4. "Follow your bliss." 5. The four modules of Sarah's program. 6. "The art of writing..." In all it's forms... 7. The hero's journey...and how it applies to YOUR story. 8. What to write about??? How to generate ideas... 9. Writing has to become a habit. It is a skill that must be developed and honed. Again, here are deets on Sarah's writing course... ### If you enjoyed this conversation, and want to hear from both best-selling authors AND movers and shakers in the publishing industry, you should subscribe to The Intrepid Author right now: Via iTunes or DIRECT to your email inbox!