Todd Henry: Why you need to die empty

be intrepid. show

Summary: [Reading via email? CLICK HERE to listen!] A real pleasure to welcome Todd Henry back to the show! Todd is a best-selling author and the founder of Accidental Creative. Todd's second book is launching this week, Die Empty, and I could not wait to dive into a conversation around the latest sure-to-be-best-seller! Key takeaways from the conversation: 1. "Are you just being carried along by your work?" 2. What is meant by "Die Empty." It is NOT what you think... Or, why the graveyard is so valuable... 3. Your four finite resources --> focus, assets, time, and energy. A life well lived is about NOT regretting where you choose to spend these finite resources.... 4. "Your are building a body of work. Will you be proud of it?" 5. Why you MIGHT die empty --> Aimlessness, boredom, comfort, delusion, ego, fear, and guardedness (the 7 deadly sins that lead to mediocrity). 6. "What work am I willing to suffer on behalf of every day?" 7. What is obvious to you, is brilliant to others... 8. Why you need to be fiercely curious... 9. How in the heck do you sustain your enthusiasm? 10. "Your legacy is built one decision at a time." Get a lot more info on Die Empty HERE, or you can find Todd's book here (affiliate link): ### To hear from other intrepid souls like Todd Henry, please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes. And, leaving a review and customer rating would be appreciated as well! This is episode 96.