PaleoJay Podcast #47 Why I do my Perfectly Paleo Exercise in- the Early Morning!

PALEO JAY Smoothie Cafe show

Summary: Pretty much every day, I awaken quite early, about 4:25 AM in fact. “But Jay, But Jay!” I hear you yell- “isn’t that disturbing to your circadian rhythms, and, uh, just hard and a big pain?” Well.... NO. I get up then because- I can get so much done in the early morning, and it has become my favorite time of day! It is truly my me time, where I get in touch with myself, my body, and my mind as well. I also make my Paleo Smoothie which is the foundation of my paleolithic nutrition for the day, loaded with virtually everything my body needs. I also make Paleo coffee, in my Aerobie Press with organic coffee, and load it up with coconut oil (in my during my workout cup) and then with real whipped cream and cinnamon and cloves in my driving to work cup...) It is not a hardship to wake up to your favorite time of day, especially when you have gotten to bed at 8:30 or earlier- and so have had plenty of restful, restorative sleep and are more than ready to bounce out of bed! When the alarm goes off, I awaken, and then I start to breathe, deeply, from my diaphragm. This is the way to wake up gradually, and pleasantly, rather that wrenching yourself from sleep and stumbling to the bathroom! I continue this deep, diaphragmatic breathing for 5-10 minutes, enjoying the feeling of gradual awakening... Then, I arise, and go to the bathroom, where I do my mobility exercises- just gradually rotating each limb and joint gradually in turn, to fully awaken and energize my body and limbs in a slow, pleasant, and natural manner- king of like how a cat would gradually wake up from a pleasant slumber! A complete description of this whole routine in in my eBook Perfectly Paleo Exercise available on Amazon and the iBookstore, among many other vendors: Next, I make my coffee- heating the water in an electric tea kettle (way faster and easier than my old gas kettle!), and then, whilst the water boils, make my Paleo Smoothie, there is a link here from, and also is outlined in detail in my first eBook Paleo Quick Start- Not to turn this into a huge advertisement for my eBooks, but they are a quick, organized resource... Next, while my Vitamix blender is whirring away, I go into the living room, start up my TV and Netflix on my Apple TV, (lots of other interfaces are available- Wii, Xbox, what have you), and spread a towel on the carpet...I’m gettin’ ready for a fun time! Next, carrying my mug of organic, coconut oil laden coffee, I repair to the living room to enjoy the gradual total awakening, energizing, and totally natural strengthening of my muscles, ligaments and tendons by doing my virtual resistance exercises as outlined in Perfectly Paleo Exercise, and also gone into on my site Some days, like today, I follow the virtual resistance with pushups, straight legged situps, and hindu squats and pushups, which are also described at my site and in my eBook. I also do some self-resisted exercise, both for the arms, wrist and hands, neck and face; along with hindu bridging, which is kind of a total natural facelift and spinal restorer all in one kind of a deal- something everyone in the world, in my opinion, should do daily for both bodily and mental health! One thing that I think standard Paleo is missing is this emphasis on natural, real world exercise. Cross Fit, Olympic Lifting, Power Lifting, Extreme Body building- they all seem to have infiltrated the Paleo scene way too much. These things are not natural, not at all! Just as marathon running has been shown to be anti-healthy, I maintain that heavy, extrem