Episode 263 with Dan Panosian

Where Monsters Dwell show

Summary: Listen to episode 263 now!> This week on the only LIVE comics radio program that doesn't think Batfleck and Bieben is the worst idea Hollywood could have, we welcome the Urban Barbarian himself, Dan Panosian to the Monster Cave. You know Dan's work of course from his beautiful covers on Danger Girl and a multitude of other very lucky comics and for his stint on the Unknown Soldier with Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray. Currently, Dan is hard at work on a second volume of 'John Tiffany' which is set to be realeased through Le Lombard at the end of this month. If you have a question for Dan Panosian, feel free to post it on our Facebook wall or give us a call at 506-453-4949. Where Monsters Dwell is brought to you by Strange Adventures and Club Fred Grafx. WMD gets it's pop culture news from SciFi Mafia.