Moyes Unveils Fellaini Amid Questions On Kagawa, Januzaj and More

Beyond The Pitch show

Summary: With players returning from international duty and set to resume the 2013-14 club season, Phil and Doron also have been keen to rejoin as well, starting again with your questions about the pressing matters involving Manchester United, its very complex and dissected first off season under David Moyes and, of course, all the questions about a transfer market with few answers until they arrive late in the shape of Marouane Fellaini. Your questions on Shinji Kagawa and Adnan Januzaj are also front and center too, and each player is examined given the high profile nature of the transition itself and how fans and supporters view the early returns for a new manager and a new chief executive both being bled into the organization at the same time. We look at the points raised both in the media and in the public domain about David Moyes, what he may have learned already and what he may ultimately regret in being so open with that English press and where the most intriguing elements can be found in his season one at Old Trafford. This is a Manchester United show driven entirely by your questions and we ask some questions of our own including the age-old talking point as to whether a Director of Sport is needed in modern football and what the prospects are for young players such as Januzaj, knowing that Manchester United has a deep and talented squad and that other veteran players would have to be pushed aside in a World Cup year to open up those valuable minutes.