The Doggone History of Country Music 21.September.2013

RadioNowhere show

Summary: The Doggone History of Country Music 21.September.2013 Follow us on Twitter! @RadioNowhereUK Facebook Girls - Eleni Mandell Jolie Holland - Old Fashioned Morphine Steve Malkmus and the Jicks- Tigers Josh T Pearson - Country Dumb Jefferey Lewis - Williamsburg Will Olham Horror Cate Lebon - Sad Sad Feet Micah P Hinson - Take Off That Dress For Me Elvis Perkins - While You Were Sleeping Beachwood Sparks - The Tarnished Gold Poor Moon - Birds Hurray for the Riff Raff - Delta Momma Blues Peggy Sue - Yo Mama Stealing Sheep - Shut Eye The Guthries - Lay It All Out Jonathan Wilson - Desert Raven