Liberty Conspiracy - 9-11-13 US Sabre-Rattling, Militarization of Local Cops, Don't Trust Govt to Protect You from Bad Food - w/ Furb

Liberty Conspiracy show

Summary: We continue our fight for freedom as the Liberty Conspiracy is joined by FURB, the founder of the Freedom Book Club, to discuss the big national-international issue - US militarism and Syria, local cops getting military assault vehicles, and two stories that let us look at some deeper intellectual concepts. The second stories revolve around the USDA and FDA, and how they are not incentivized to "protect" anyone. Wait until you hear what the USDA is going to do for the big chicken agri-businesses, contrary to the free market! Enjoy the show! We have only two full songs here, both by Girls Against Boys, "From Now On" and "Psychic Know-How", and they are pretty damn good! Join us at! Be Seeing You!