007 RR Debugging in Ruby

The Ruby Rogues show

Summary: Panelists Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code) Peter Cooper (site twitter github The Ruby Show Ruby Inside) James Edward Gray II (blog twitter github) Gregory Brown (blog twitter github Ruby Mendicant University) Mike Moore (blog twitter github Rubiverse Podcast) Items discussed in today's episode Debuggers and Tools Ruby Debug pry Ruby in Steel other IDE's Formatting Debug Output YAML's y method Object#inspect awesome_print Outputting debug information puts p raise pp Other debugging tricks abort_on_exception = true The Ruby executable's -d switch and the $DEBUG constant Using a logger to output data from a specific piece of code The debug method in Rails helpers and views Using Object#freeze on to find what is modifying the object Passing a dummy object that uses method_missing to output method calls and arguments Do not debug alone Spike the debugging, git stash the changes, write the test, unstash the changes and verify the result Panel Picks Gaming side events at conferences Lost Cities Board Game (Affiliate Link) Jambo (Affiliate Link) Pandemic (Affiliate Link) Agricola (Affiliate Link) Race For The Galaxy (Affiliate Link) Ticket To Ride (Affiliate Link) The Settlers of Catan (Affiliate Link) Scrabble Crossword Game (Affiliate Link) awesome_print rails footnotes go The Go Programming Language, or: Why all C-like languages except one suck. Mobile Magic (Disneyland Android App) Elantris (Affiliate Link) iPad Kindle App Couch to 5k Rubyflow.com open_gem