012 RR Metaprogramming in Ruby

The Ruby Rogues show

Summary: Panelists Avdi Grimm (twitter github blog book) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code) David Brady (blog twitter github ADDcasts) Gregory Brown (blog twitter github Ruby Mendicant University) James Edward Gray (blog twitter github) Discussed in this episode What is metaprogramming AST Ripper method_missing send super defined?(super) alias method chain rdoc rspec Guidelines Aliasing/Redifining methods (generally wrong) Dynamic Module generation (Generally right) understand Ruby’s method call lookup understand modules (extend and include) Calling super is usually a good idea If you’re going to monkey patch, make sure that the method isn’t already there Make your changes easy to find class_eval def vs define_method Convenience constructors - In a medium sized project, you should not do this more than 3 times. Picks vagrant (Avdi) Best of Ruby Quiz (Avdi) anti-pick: TeamViewer (David) Let Dave know if you have a great tool for sharing screens and collaborating over the web. gnu screen (Greg) irssi (Greg) square foot gardening(Greg) find/be a mentor (James) George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (James) #rmu channel on freenode for mentoring (Greg/James) Rails 3.1 hackfest (Josh) escapepod.org (Josh) Cassandra: The Definitive Guide jQuery-UI