025 RR Logging – I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

The Ruby Rogues show

Summary: Panel Avdi Grimm Charles Max Wood James Edward Gray Tim Pease Discussed in this Episode Any message of note generated by your application A message of note is something the conveys meaning or has importance to the developer Log4J Debugging "puts" debugging Debuggers puts Scroll blindness grep log levels logging log appenders Each object can have its own logger Set interesting classes to debug and everything else to info or warn Global loggers Do the simplest thing you need until it no longer works for you Set up rolling file appenders Ruby's core Logger class logrotate shared file locks exclusive file locks rotation notation by number or by date copy then truncate when rotating logs - maintains the file reference signal to change log level to debug Only send FATAL messages when I'm about to kill the program An ERROR is "something bad has happened, but I can work around it" WARN - "this problem occurred" INFO - "the program is still running. I'm doing this and this and this." DEBUG - "information on where things might be going wrong." You should be between every other line being a log message and having no logging We like seeing the SQL in the Rails logs. Track interactions and requests to other services Log formatting Never create your date stamp format. EVER. EVER! ISO8601 Datestamp format standard Format messages for the consumer. Pretty printed for users. JSON for software. Splunk Newlines in log messages? Log context (to keep track of where you are in the application) Include the process id (PID) in forked applications How do you group messages related to the same request? SASS How do you deal with logs from different applications in different formats? SLF4J Where should I log to? A flat file? database? Twitter? syslog servolux Picks repl.it (Avdi) screenr.com (Avdi) Freakonomics Radio (James) RadioLab (James) Apache Kafka (Tim) Community and Thanking People (Tim) Knowing your tools (Chuck) Linux (Chuck) Bash Shell (Chuck)