075 RR Open Source Licenses

The Ruby Rogues show

Summary: Panel Jeremy Hinegardner (twitter github blog) Chris Wilson (twitter github blog) Josh Susser (twitter github blog) Avdi Grimm (twitter github blog book) David Brady (twitter githubblog ADDcasts) Discussion 01:51 - Open Source Licenses 02:14 - Chris and Jeremy Introduction 03:35 - Ruby Nuby Challenge 05:09 - Best of Parley Object Initialization and Construction Thread 06:03 - Rogues Golf Winners Lucas Dohmen: @moonbeamlabs Erik Michaels-Ober: @sferik 09:44 - Why care about open source licenses? 10:44 - Licenses OpenBSD WTFPL 13:17 - Intellectual Property Law 13:40 - Public Domain 16:21 - Licenses (cont’d) GPL AGPL 18:36 - Distribution clauses 19:30 - MongoDB 22:00 - Dual Licensing 23:20 - relicensing 24:33 - The Fedora Project 25:17 - MIT License 28:40 - Free as in Freedom oggcast 35:00 - Meaning of “affero” 36:52 - Apache license 37:36 - Creative Commons Licensing 39:13 - Problematic licenses Patents Reciprocal License 43:36 - Patent trolling 44:37 - Hudson/Jenkins/Oracle 46:52 - Risks 50:24 - TiVo and open source licensing Picks LicenseFinder (Josh) Coderetreat (Josh) Tanker Desks (Avdi) Tröegs Troegenator  (Avdi) Cards Against Humanity (David) The Kitten Cam (David) JSMin isn't welcome on Google Code (Chris) Avro (Jeremy) The Floyd Code Retreat (Jeremy) Museum of the Moving Image (Jeremy) Transcript  DAVID: Wow. My wife just came in and threw Tater Tots all over the room. [laughter] That was kind of random. [laughter] JOSH: I really wish we were doing a video. DAVID: (laughs) JEREMY: I would definitely appreciate video. Yes. [laughter] DAVID: So, All right. I guess I have to eat the Tater Tots off the floor. [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at bluebox.net] [This episode is sponsored by JetBrains, makers of RubyMine. If you like having an IDE that provides great inline debugging tools, built in version control, and intelligent code insight and refactorings, then check out RubyMine by going to jetbrains.com/ruby] [This podcast is sponsored by New Relic. To track and optimize your application performance, go to rubyrogues.com/newrelic] DAVID: Hello and welcome to episode 75 of Ruby Rogues. I'm David Brady and I'm sitting in for Chuck and James at the same time, who are on vacation in Hawaii and can’t be bothered to do their weekly podcast. We are short two rogues, but we are up two guests! So, today on the podcast we have Avdi Grimm. AVDI: Hello, hello! DAVID: We have Josh Susser. JOSH: Yes. I'm appearing here on a Creative Commons Misattribution License. DAVID: (laughs) We have Jeremy Hinegardner. JEREMY: Hello and I am not a lawyer. DAVID: (laughs) And we also have Chris Wilson. CHRIS: Yeah, same here. DAVID: Okay. So, I guess just to start us off, we are going to be talking about Open Source Licenses today. This is a fun, complex issue. I remember sitting in on a panel years and years ago, talking about the subtle vagaries and evils of LGPL versus GPL and that good stuff. And people get completely, just been out of shape about this. But before we get in to that, I wanted to give our guests a chance to kind of do an introduction. Chris, why don’t we start with you? Your Twitter handle is “e” and that's not very rational. So, do you want to introduce yourself? CHRIS: Yeah. I'm Chris Wilson. I'm a developer up in Madison, Wisconsin at Ruby consulting development shop called “Bendyworks“. Yeah, so my handle and some of the other ways I identify myself is kind of a science nerd. So, I’ve sort of always been in science. I gave a little spiel at the Bendyworks internal conference recently, all about how to build a particle accelerator. DAVID: Very cool. Jeremy, do you wanna tell us about you? JEREMY: Sure. I'm Jeremy Hinegardner. I'm a developer in Boulder, Colorado.