103 RR Ruby Gems

The Ruby Rogues show

Summary: Panel Josh Susser (twitter github blog) James Edward Gray (twitter github blog) Avdi Grimm (twitter github blog book) David Brady (twitter github blog ADDcasts) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:22 - Ruby Gems RubyGems.org 03:13 - Should you build a gem? Daniel Huckstep (@darkhelmetlive) Ruby Batteries Included by Daniel Huckstep trollop 08:12 - Naming Gems gem-love dash vs underscore Eric Hodel: How to Name Gems 16:43 - Tools Bundler hoe jeweler What is a gem? - RubyGems Guides require_relative 32:50 - Gem Extensions autotest-growl 34:39 - Dependencies and Using Bundler to develop gems RubyGems Guides Gemspec TourBus Gem TourBus Gemspec File TourBus Build File jeweler hoe votes.io 49:35 - How the gemspec gets used in the lifecycle of gem development Rakefile for highline 56:20 - Versioning 037 RR Versioning and Releases 59:00 - Open-Source Licence 075 RR Open Source Licenses 59:59 - Signing Gems 01:01:25 - Using the packaging system as a dependency isolate 01:04:21 - Maintaining Gems 051 RR Getting Started with Open Source Highline FasterCSV 01:07:44 - rakegem 01:08:33 - Gem Plugins gem-open Picks Joy of Cooking (Josh) Gather - the Art of Paleo Entertaining (Josh) Erik Dietrich: How Developers Stop Learning: Rise of the Expert Beginner (Avdi) Erik Dietrich: How Software Groups Rot: Legacy of the Expert Beginner (Avdi) Play by Play: Refactoring with Ben Orenstein | PeepCode Screencasts (James) Budget Bytes (James) 6PM.com (Avdi) How To Survive a Ground-Up Rewrite Without Losing Your Sanity aka Screw You, Joel Spolsky, We're Rewriting It From Scratch by Dan Milstein (Guest Post on Dharmesh Shah's OnStartups blog) (David) OpenWest Conference (David) TEKTON 6235 Assorted Cable Ties, 200-Piece (Chuck) Next Week Book Club: The Rails View by John Athayde and Bruce Williams Transcript AVDI:  Have you tried just having a cat catcher on your desk? [Hosting and bandwidth provided by The Blue Box Group. Check them out at BlueBox.net.]  [This podcast is sponsored by New Relic. To track and optimize your application performance, go to RubyRogues.com/NewRelic.]  CHUCK:  Hey everybody, and welcome to Episode 103 of the Ruby Rogues podcast. Does that bother you, Josh? Or should I say a hundred and three? JOSH:  As long as it’s a cardinal instead of an ordinal, I'm fine. CHUCK:  Okay. [Laughter] CHUCK:  We can't even get started. Alright. This week on our panel, we have Josh Susser. JOSH:  Hey, good morning everyone from your unreasonably pathetic…never mind! [Laughter] CHUCK:  We also have James Edward Gray. JAMES:  Good morning, everyone. CHUCK:  Avid Grimm. AVDI:  Hello from Pennsylvania. CHUCK:  David Brady. DAVID:  We control the vertical and the horizontal which makes no freaking sense on a podcast. CHUCK:  And I’m Charles Max Wood from DevChat.tv. And this week, we’re going to be talking about Ruby Gems. JAMES:  Woohoo! JOSH:  It’s going to be that kind of episode. CHUCK:  So Josh, can we get a definition? JOSH:  Oh, yeah…no. [Laughter] JOSH:  If you don’t know what a Ruby Gem is, I'm sorry we can't help you. CHUCK:  [Laughs] JAMES:  What was the old competitor, the RPA? Was it RPA? AVDI:  Oh, man! DAVID:  Oh! Was it RPA, the Ruby Project Archive? [Crosstalk] DAVID:  …after Gems was up. But that was back when you actually had to ask Dave for permission to create a gem. You actually… JOSH:  Okay. Let’s not get lost in the weeds here. DAVID:  Yeah. AVDI:  RAA is the one. JAMES:  Not RAA. Not that. JOSH:  Okay. So, Ruby Gems are the best software packaging system in the universe. That’s the definition. CHUCK:  Yehey! [Laughter] DAVID:  Open keyboard. JAMES:  Well, there what we got.