Are You In Good SEO Shape?

 James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

Summary: Traffic news highlights:00:10 - What can we expect from Google this year? 01:34 - R____ over-optimized pages 02:35 - Get more traffic by _____ 02:47 - Let us create content for you ( 03:00 - Properly syndicate your multimedia content 03:58 - Check your link profile ( 04:38 - How do you get natural links?Dreaming of a page one listing? Perhaps we can HELP ( Promote your website with good quality content ( Schramko here with an SEO news update. Matt Cutts from Google has just announced a “What you can expect from Google in 2013 (” video. I’ve watched the video and I’ve got some comments about that video. I’m going to tell you my take on what he says.Why our sites are getting ranked One of the first points that Matt made is that Google focusing on good quality content; being able to identify good content on websites. For that reason, we move to hand created content and high quality content. So, we know that the content is good and that’s why our sites are getting ranked and we’re getting good results for customers ( kind of site that Google will pay attention to So, the things to avoid are anything automated or shortcut or spammy. They’re not going to work anymore. What you really want is people come into your site and then coming back to your site and even sharing your site with other people, and that is a sign of good content. So for that reason, I’m sure that Google will be paying attention to repeat visits and people who bookmark the sites because it’s good quality.Over-optimized pages There’ll be updates to the Penguin and Panda algorithms and we’ve been on this from the beginning. Ever since they were released, our Research and Development Team had been working really hard on identifying what triggers the over optimization penalties, and we’ve put in place things that help our customers get better results. In the case where pages have been way too over optimized with too many anchor text keyword links, we suggest that you recreate those pages and build a new link profile. And don’t worry about the old links -- they’re not going to be savable easily.Color-coded sites We’ve also color coded customer sites so we know exactly which ones have a high risk profile and the color code is shared with our customers. So, if you’re a customer of SEO Partner, you will know how we tag your site, whether it’s a red or a green or a yellow site. You can ask our team what that means ( and we will help work with you to make sure you avoid over optimization which is the common form of penalty with these algorithms.Getting a lot more traffic from Google Hand in hand with that, you should have a continual content creation program. So you would have a content creation calendar, or schedule, where you are putting out new content. You’ve probably seen me putting out these videos on a regular basis and over a year, it has made a substantial difference to the website authority of the sites that they get placed on and also the number of indexed pages which is quite literally the number of places that people can find my website for different search phrases. So now, I have a lot more traffic coming to my website from Google just by continually adding content.Our services So have a look at your content creation schedule and make sure you have it planned for the future. Then if you are able to create content like videos or audios, you could use our Short Video Pack on SuperFastBusiness Traffic Services where we will actually put that content on there for you and syndicate it properly.