Liberty Conspiracy - 9-1-13 Liberty Conspiracy Site Banned in China, Studying US Claims re Syria, Medical Fascism Law and Higher Insurance Costs

Liberty Conspiracy show

Summary: Welcome back to the Conspiracy! We've got a few pressing issues to discuss, so let's lay them out. First, as some folks know, we recently discovered that the LC website has been banned in China. Interesting. The podcasts are still making it into the country. After we give the details on that, we delve into the claims of US politicians like John Kerry and Barack Obama re Syria, and then reveal that they have not presented any facts to support their claims. As of this writing, Obama has stepped down from taking unilateral executive branch action (which would be unconstitutional), but is saying he will wait for Congressional "permission to use military force", which is also unconstitutional. The only powers granted the Congress to get the President to lead troops are 1) a Declaration of War (capitalize the W), and 2) the issuance of Letters of Marque and Reprisal (to let him hire mercenaries). That's it. War has certain rules. Which is why the Constitution specifies that term. Next, we take a look at the higher costs for health insurance in the US since 2009, something that runs contrary to what the President claimed would happen, but follows all the laws of markets when politicians place regulatory burdens on them that force them to offer certain services or tell them how to offer them. Gard explains! That and music - a couple songs to keep this pod short and get it to you fast: We have full songs by The Horrors "Sheena Is A Parasite", and "Who Can Say". Visit us at Be Seeing You!