Rabbit Hole That Is Reality – Episode 3

Rabbit Hole That Is Reality - Radio Podcast show

Summary: Rabbit Hole That Is Reality is about casting light on a whole spectrum of stuff. “Because reality really is the ultimate reality show, we are here to show you how deep and fascinating it can go.” Our interests cover and touch many bases. We snapshot the stories that have caught our eye in the news. Information that raises eyebrows and questions. Looking at science, technology, discoveries and the environment. As well as history, the unexplained, mysteries, strange tales and the fortean. Whether you listen in search of knowledge or dipping in for entertainment. We're people just like you, passing our social commentary on what inspires and effects us. Episode 3: Contents Anniversary of Orwells 1984 (at time of initial release) Government controlling all press XBOXONE - telescreen G8 food summit gives a total for food hunger Bilderberg Google berg Are they spying on us, with PRISM the NSA, GCHQ Hague lays down some info.... Internet conglomarates come together to give access to all information shared on the web Review of Guilt - creative commons Jack hunters Why do believe in spirits, gods and magic Dipping into cold waters with a history of sea monsters, all this and more http://www.paranormalnetwork.co.uk/rabbitholethatisreality/rabbit-hole-that-is-reality-episode-3/