Seth Werner and The Strategic Forum


Summary: Seth Werner took a different path. He sought answers to the how of success- what drives entrepreneurs? What sustains them? And then, an even bigger question: what do you do next? The Strategic Forum This stage of life- psychologist Erik Erikson calls it Middle Adulthood- is characterized by the battle between Generosity and Stagnation. The achievement of goals requires setting new goals: the need to create or nurture things that will outlast you. Success at this, Erikson writes, leads to feelings of usefulness and accomplishment; the lack of involvement in something …larger …can create a feeling of inertia and stagnation . Seth Werner channeled some of his remarkable energy into a group called The Strategic Forum. The Strategic Forum  story is one way of answering the question: after success, what’s next? While success is entirely unique to the individual who defines it, it’s powered by a framework that any of us can apply: Discover, Design, Build and Achieve. Leap Start, a not-for-profit program aimed at helping young people find more purpose, direction, and greatness in life describes four stages for creating the foundation to your next success:  Discover, Design, Build, and Achieve. Discover- focuses on clarifying who you are, what you want, and why you want it. Design- focuses on knowing exactly what you need to do reach your end goals Build: is about overcoming the barriers leaping you from getting started or reaching higher Achieve: is about delivery- performing when it’s all on the line; reassessing your goals,  and dealing with success. You can find more information about  Leap Start on their website, They offer resources and training in this framework through their  online resources and in-school workshops, to our ambassadors’ network and our Leap-Start ‘Feats’. And you can reach today’s guest, Seth Warner on his Linked in You can listen two ways: You can listen right here on the site (press Play in new window) You can download it to listen later (Right click on Download and then click on "Save Link As" or "Save Target As" ) We would love to hear from you, please leave a comment below or email