The Hanuman Chalisa: Entering the Flow of Grace

New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World show

Summary: The Hanuman Chalisa is a devotional hymn to Hanuman, the Hindu deity who is the central character in the Sanskrit epic The Ramayana. It tells of his strength, courage, wisdom and of his devotion to Rama. The Chalisa has 42 verses, and learning it has been my goal for the last few months. In the process something interesting is happening. Hanuman's grace, and his energy of always being in "the service to the good, in the service of love, in the service of purity of heart" is increasingly showing up in my life. It's giving me a deeper understanding of the nature, and the blessing, of service. Hanuman, as Krishna Das so eloquently puts it, is a river of Grace -- the Chalisa can be a doorway for you to enter the flow. Blessings to you, dear ones. Namaste. The quote is from "Hanuman A River of Grace" by Krishna Das. SONG ARTIST CD Om Mercury Max The Eternal Om Hanuman Chalisa Bhagavan Das The Howler At Dawn Samadhi Hanuman Chalisa Nina Rao Antarayaami – Knower of All Hearts (Bonus Version) Hanuman Chalisa Amanda Feinstein Mirror of My Heart – Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa Sri Hanuman Chaleesa/Gate of Sweet Nectar Krishna Das Door Of Faith Hanuman Chalisa Shantala Jaya