Larry Powell – Franchise Quest


Summary: When you look at buying a new car for instance, sitting inside the one you are interested in for the first time is an emotional event. Your senses are in a heightened state. You're not really in fact-gathering mode. You're in dream mode. Dream mode can be a dangerous place, because it's based on emotion. What are the operating costs? What is the repair record? What is Franchise Quest? When you are looking at franchises, your emotions will run high, too. It can be really exciting (as it should be) to look into small business ownership. Just don't let the dream mode about owning your own business get in the way of doing the research that's required. Doing franchise research the right way is not difficult. What is difficult is taking the emotion out of your decision making process, and only focusing on the facts. When you base your decision to purchase a franchise on the facts, you lower your risk and increase the likelihood of success- the sweet spot for any entrepreneur. How to Accomplish Franchise Quest! Today’s guest, Larry Powell, is a franchise ownership adviser. He coaches people who are interested in franchise ownership how to properly select and carefully research franchise business opportunities so they can increase their odds of success. He’s the one who can help you balance dream mode and fact model when it comes to choosing the right business for you. You can download the audio here Larry Powell - Franchise Quest