Perspectives from a sustainable fashion designer


Summary: An Ecco Domani award-winning fashion designer, Tara St. James, thrives on constantly challenging her own preconceptions about design. Though fairly vocal about her choice to use sustainable and ethical design principles for her label STUDY NY, Tara attests that she "want(s) to be judged the same way other designers are judged," which means ostensibly for her design. In the 14th episode of "SRO Conversations," Tara talks about what her life is like as a fashion designer, building her company and the community of people that she works with that help bring her design to market. "As a group, we'll grow bigger, and stronger." It is clear from this conversation that Tara has a true passion for what she is doing and that she will be happy doing it for a long time to come. "I may not always design clothing, although I probably will...It's difficult to see me doing anything other than design." This is a must-watch conversation for aspiring designers and those interested in the field of sustainable design. To view all conversations, including this one, visit Direct any comments/questions for this episode on Twitter @sroakes with #SROConvo You may also follow Tara on Twitter @StudyNY.