Making Waves in Life and Real Estate

mollanderson show

Summary: Since I have been renting in Malibu this summer, it makes perfect sense to have realtor mogul and star of Bravo’s hit show Million Dollar Listing Madison Hildebrand on as a guest. The sixth season starts August 7th and you won't want to miss the season’s starting show! Madison shares with us what it took to become successful at a young age. He not only hustles up and down the LA coast selling properties, but he gives back too-volunteering at numerous organizations and living by his motto “He who freely gives freely receives.” Now there is oceanfront living, and then there's the ocean waves crashing into your house. Don't miss the fun party story we share that happened at our house. Producer Susannah and I discuss some articles right up Madison’s alley, "How to Prepare Your House for Sale", and 'Finding the Right Career." You are never too old to start anew. Dawn McCoy from stops in to tell us bout the latest and greatest products. Our hot pick song of the week goes to Britney Spears, with Ooh lala. Don’t forget to write into me at