PaleoJay podcast #42 Back to the Future - A New Paleo You Part Two

PALEO JAY Smoothie Cafe show

Summary: PaleoJay podcast #42 Back to the Future 2- a New Paleo You! Hello!  Welcome to PaleoJay’s smoothie cafe! I am Jay Bowers, aka PaleoJay, and I am so pleased to welcome you, my most important listener.  Together we can transform ourselves through a proper paleo or ancestral type of diet, and with appropriate perfectly paleo exercise, sufficient sleep, and good tribal relations with friends and family, we can first change ourselves, then our tribe, and then the world!  So let’s get started, you and I! Last week we started you on your journey back to the future, by making you a more paleolithic self, starting with DIET alone.  Now, we will continue our 4 week total Paleo self reinvention- I hope you have done well for the first 7 days!  If you have made it intact through that first week, know that you have done the hardest part by far!  The first few days, especially, are the most difficult, as you retrain yourself to eat correctly for you species, which of course is the homo sapien species, not the grain and sugar eating  Bird species of diet which is the current misguided approach... Even if you slipped up once or twice, it’s no big deal at all- the point is to gradually and systematically keep moving in the right direction- passing on grains and grain based products, fast “fake” foods, and boatloads of sugar and/or artificial sweeteners (which are basically the same thing- BAD!).  If you slip and fall, just get back on the horse and get going in the right direction! This week, although it is still early for really beginning to exercise, I want you to start- Walking!  Not really for exercise, or for burning calories, but just because it’s what humans do.  We move, not like we’re being pushed with a cattle prod, but at a natural, pleasant pace, for a good portion of our day.  For now, park at the back of the lot at the store, at work, and walk the extra 2 or 3 minutes it will take you to get inside.  Make it a habit- my 93 year old father has done this his whole life, and still does it!  Take stairs, not elevators.  Just live like people did 100 years ago, and you are pretty much on track with being paleo!  Real foods, prepared at home, when eating grains they had the non-GMO ancient varieties, and fast food didn’t exist.  LOTS of good, natural fat like pastured butter (Haven’y you enjoyed that this past week??  Instead of vegetable oils and margarine fake fats??)  OH- note this: margarine was originally invented to lubricate machinery!  So, it’s kind of like spraying WD 40 down your throat... Anyway, now you are walking, lubricating your joints, and just plain keeping the machinery of your body working!  What a concept; somehow we have forgotten just how important it is to simply MOVE.  That’s how most folks end up in nursing homes- they have just stopped moving, and before long they cannot move.  So keep moving, son! I touched on sleep last week, but I want to reiterate its importance here again, and want you to get 8 to 9 hours of sleep all this entire week!  Most people get far less than that, and have no idea how good you can feel when you just sleep enough!  Black out your bedroom if there are lights outside at night, get the tv out of the bedroom as well- the bedroom is not a recreation place- it is a sacred sleeping spot, where you will spend a good, restful, restorative 1/3 of your life; getting into that all-important dream state where our minds resolve most of our issues in life, if we only give our subconscious the time and sleep state that it needs.  Mental problems are inevitable for sleep deprivation, just as physical problems like diabesity, cancer and heart problems are inevitable for nutrient deprivation, which is another name for the S.A.D. Standard American Diet! So, this week especially, concentrate on walking and sleeping, along with your upgraded Ancestral diet. There is one other thing I would suggest you begin this week as well