Episode 20: Prepping for Special Needs Children

The Great Northern Prepper » Podcast show

Summary: Today I welcome back Glen Tate of the 299 Days book series to talk about Prepping for People/Parents with Special Needs Children. In the books and real life Glen has a child with mild to moderate Autism, while we focus on Autism we talk about topics that apply to everyone with Special needs and non-special needs children to prepare for a collapse. We delve into topics such as… Modifying old routines into new ones The need to lay the foundation for more austere and “rural” times now so the change isnt so great Things to put into your preps Medical/Prescription needs General Preparedness and why we do it and much more!   MEMO Episode 12: Interview with Glen Tate of 299 Day Book Series Review of the 299 Day Series, Books 1-2 and Book 6