Land O'Lakers Podcast: Kobe Bryant's health, Potential starting 5's, Jim Buss and free agency 2014, "Ask a Kamenetzky!" | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything  show

Summary:   For mere mortals, it ain't easy coming up with hot talk during the offseason. For the K Bros, it's just another day in the studio. Or as we call the studio, "Andy's House." Below is a list of talking points: * Speaking to NBA TV last week, ( Jim Buss said he'd bet big money on Kobe Bryant being healthy enough to play preseason games. Was this simply an owner trying to rally a dispirited fan base or did Buss perhaps unnecessarily write a check Kobe's Achilles might not be able to cash? * While not as exciting as watching Brian predict next season's starting unit via Time Warner Cable SportsNet's telestrator (, we nonetheless prognosticate first fives with and without Kobe's services. * As Brian recently noted (, the Mavericks' recent struggles to land an A-List free agent could forecast potential issues for the Lakers. What kind of test does the Free Agent Summer of 2014 pose for Jim Buss? * It's time for another rousing edition of "Ask a Kamenetzky!" Better look: Bald and fit, full head of hair and fat or somewhere in between? Better album: Licensed to Ill ( or Nevermind ( Better career: Metta World Peace or Lamar Odom? Plus, we pay respects to the late actor Dennis Farina. (Thanks to our tweep @VinceMarcial for this fantastic link of Farina expertly dropping F-Bombs.) * Has Rudy Gay solved his low efficiency shooting?