5 Tips In 5 Minutes: 5 Ways To Get Fit For Under $50

Angry Trainer Fitness show

Summary: Time for another podcast here at Angry Trainer Fitness and this one’s for everyone out there feeling the bite of the recession (aren’t we all!) I think that one of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to fitness is assuming that they need to spend a lot of money to exercise and that the bigger the machine, the better. I totally disagree, and actually think that when it comes to a fitness program the more basic the equipment, the better the benefit. So today I’m giving you 5 Ways To Get Fit For Under $50 – five great products whose total cost is less than 50 bucks. That’s better value than 99% of the infomercial gadgets and gizmos out there! And don’t forget if you want to exercise on a budget check out the workout tab on the site for my free workouts that use minimal equipment, and visit my YouTube channel for video demos, workouts, and a good luck at my Angry Trainer mug