5 Tips In 5 Minutes: 5 Most Neglected Body Parts

Angry Trainer Fitness show

Summary: I know, you train hard, eat right, and think you’re program is complete. But is it really? Are you making sure that you’re not overlooking some important body parts that help keep you balanced and strong?  Or are you only training the areas that you like, or one’s that you can see in the mirror? In my training career I’ve seen many people who skip exercises, and all too often it’s the ones they really need the most. So today’s 5 Tips In 5 Minutes Podcast is a list of the 5 Most Neglected Body Parts. Start training these muscle groups and watch your fitness improve. Plus if you work these areas you’ll also reduce your risk for injury. As you can tell, I got a bit carried away – this podcast is 7 minutes long! So what are you waiting for – listen away! Alfons