Exercise Rights And Wrongs: Lunges

Angry Trainer Fitness show

Summary: Hi everyone – time for some more videos here at Angry Trainer Fitness I think! Here’s another segment of our Exercise Rights And Wrongs strand, where I show you the RIGHT way to perform an exercise many people perform incorrectly. Today’s video is all about Lunges, and while it’s a great leg exercise, correct execution of the movement is really key to maximizing its benefits, and for avoiding injury. Unfortunately I see many people placing themselves in harm’s way with sloppy, uncontrolled form. They either lean forward, short step and place strain on the knee, or lift the heel on the weight bearing leg. Those are all signs of an injury lurking around the corner, and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. But most of all – I think 90% of people perform lunges the wrong way because… well take a look at the video and you’ll see my key piece of advice for getting the most out of the exercise! Also don’t forget to check out my other exercise videos on the Angry Trainer Fitness Channel and sign up to a be a subscriber – we have lots more great content on the way soon..