#52 James & Per move beyond 960

UX Podcast show

Summary: Inspired by a question Bruno Figueiredo posted to Facebook, James and Per try to answer the question - How do you decide what resolution to design for? We talk about screen resolutions, viewports, typography, whitespace, languages, statistics. To finish off, we even try to provide an answer to the question... (Listening time 44 minutes) https://twitter.com/uxpodcast/status/361744259273072641 References: Bruno's question on Facebook Life beyond 960 Screens are getting bigger, but no the browser viewport The length of CSS (units of measurement) Realtime face-tracking responsive typography demo Logical breakpoints for your responsive design (Languages & line lengths) The Art of Explanation by Lee LeFever Australian weather and the seasons James's whiteboard showing a 6-step answer to the show's question: Transcript: Per: Hello and welcome to episode 52 of the UX Podcast. You’re listening to me Per Axbom. James: And me James Royal-Lawson. Per: And we’re set –  what date is it? James: Eighteenth. Per: Eighteenth of July, Thursday. I’m recording this a week ahead because you’re going to Spain. James: I am. Per: Yeah. James: On Monday and well, I’ve bottled it. We recorded one episode when you were in America but to be honest, I just got excited about the fact we could use our new microphones. Per: Right, new microphones, condenser microphones hooked up to Blue Icicle. So you will have to let us know on Twitter if this sounds better than usual. I really hope so. James: I just couldn’t bear the fact that you would be recording using these new microphones and I would be using Skype on my tablet from a little apartment somewhere in the south of Spain. Per: You want to sound as good as I do. James: Yeah. View the full transcript Per: OK. We’re fully dressed. James: Yeah, hold on. You’re making me very confused now. So we’ve been here for an hour and you said, “And now we’re fully dressed.” Per: Don’t go there. You’re always confusing the listener. I was going to explain one of the fun things about doing a podcast is you don’t really have to take a shower but people don’t really care what you look like or smell like because you only had to listen to our voices, our beautiful voices. When we decided to do this – we just decided yesterday. You made a joke that when it’s coming over here early, that you wouldn’t be fully dressed probably. James: I said that you were scared of Jimbo flesh. Per: Yes. Thankfully you were dressed when I came over here. You hadn’t had breakfast yet. James: No, I hadn’t. Per: Oh, well. James: Sorry, I’m fully of food now. I’m dressed. Per: Yes. James: Everyone is dressed. To calm you all down, we’re all dressed. Per: But it is really hot and it’s getting hotter in here. James: Yeah. People who have been listening to this show for a long time will know that the – well Beantin HQ, the studio where we record this, during the summer months, it does get warm in here but we’re only up to 24 degrees. Per: And we have entertainment because just outside our window there are bouncing kids. Well, two right now but … James: It’s just two but not the same two as it was a second ago, the trampoline in the garden, which we can see from the studio window. Per: Which also is a good test of the soundproofness of your studio and the quality of our microphones. James: Yeah, and the loudness of my kids. Per: Yes. James: It’s not going to go well, is it? So what are we talking about today? Per: Well, I think it was last Friday. Bruno Figueiredo, you will know him from UX Lx, the curator of the UX Lx Conference. James: And we talked to him in one of our … Per: Yes, we did on the first conference show. He posted on Facebook about screen sizes and he was looking at statistics and seeing that with the 1440 pixels is becoming more and more common, 1440 and wider and the general question was,