Paranormal or Sleep Paralysis?-Podcast

The Ænigma Project show

Summary: Have you ever woken up to find figures standing over your bed or seen shapes floating through your room?  When you wake suddenly, do you find yourself paralyzed and unable to move?  We talk about these topics and more on this episode of the Ænigma Project.  We also discuss sleep paralysis, known as hypnagogia, and  possible paranormal events that take place while you sleep.  This was an interesting show and you don’t want to miss it.  I’ve personally experienced this sort of thing many times and have several stories to share with you! Please join us in the chat room Mondays where you can ask your questions, or share your comments with us live.  Visit or click here. If you can’t participate in the chat room you can also listen live using your iPhone, iPad, Smartphone, tablet or computer.  Just check out the free Tenacity App HERE or the TuneIn app available for your Apple device, Android, Blackberry or PC.  There are many ways to listen so check us out!!! You can also send any question or comments for the show to, Twitter: @SEPS_Paranormal or via voice mail at  (423) 521-2930. We love hearing from you guys! And don’t forget to show your support for the Ænigma Project by getting your own Ænigma wear (especially you Ænigmites out there, we made a special logo just for you!). Visit our store front at Cafe Press.  You can get T-shirts, coffee mugs, hoodies and more.  Just visit the site, click on the logo you are interested in and choose your product!!! -Paul Cagle The Ænigma Project, live every Monday at 9PM EST only on the Tenacity Radio Network!