RSA 07/22/2013

RSAudio show

Summary: I'd sit here and try to make legitimate excuses for why the show is a day late this week, but it seriously comes down to me finishing the show last night, eating dinner, and falling asleep on the couch watching Venture Bros. So I gathered up the files I need to edit this morning and now I'm finishing this at work. Fitting, as I'll be editing SQL code all day anyhow...Ginger Snap5 - Shadow Ghost (Edit)Psy'Aviah - Look Beyond (Dimension Flux)Funker Vogt - Gott Noch Nicht (Extended)Moon.74 - We Are (People Theatre)Foretaste - Porn Star BabyTerrolokaust - Me Niego!Blume - Western Rust (Interface)Project Rotten - Freakshow (PsioniC)