Fevzi & Nick LIVE from the UK, 11/16/12

Fevzi & Nick From the UK Show show

Summary: In this week’s show with Fevzi and Nick, take a deep breath because we’ve got: fictional author JR Hartley, two delicious words for you; Phablets and Omnishambles; Britain’s discovery of publicly elected police commissioners and a diatribe on the ludicrous choice agenda in public services, Mitt Romney’s feeble excuses and ‘where now’ for the GOP; why you shouldn’t vote for minority parties, the mega-fine for BP, renewed conflict between Israel and Gaza, how drones could replace realtors, why drive-in movies are brilliant and how Amazon really still owns your e-books. And all that’s crammed into an hour, so listen in and tell us what you think at tro@gadgetdetective.com Help support Fevzi & Nick From the UK Show by going to Talk Radio One and making a contribution.Help support Fevzi & Nick From the UK Show by going to Talk Radio One and making a contribution.