Fevzi & Nick LIVE from the UK, 2/21/13

Fevzi & Nick From the UK Show show

Summary: In today’s show… the Internet Of Things: is that robot vacuum cleaner ready yet?; CCTV and state intrusion you can breathe in; where socks come from, speedy debating styles, and when it’s acceptable to walk out of a debate in protest. Then, democracy in religious states: does it mean anything useful? – in fact is democracy much good at all when manifestos are ignored? Plus, how many people really want gay marriage, how the news media is taking you for a fool, and where your food really comes from. It’s a busy hour, so tell us what you think at tro@gadgetdetective.com Help support Fevzi & Nick From the UK Show by going to Talk Radio One and making a contribution.Help support Fevzi & Nick From the UK Show by going to Talk Radio One and making a contribution.