David Meerman Scott: Success online still just comes down to knowing your buyer personas

be intrepid. show

Summary: A real pleasure to welcome back David Meerman Scott, who is a speaker, strategist, and best-selling author of multiple books, including The New Rules of Marketing + PR. On today's show, we discussed the recent launch of the 4th edition of New Rules, the book that has sold over 300,000 copies and is now translated into over 25 languages... Key takeaways from today's show: 1. The challenges and the opportunities that result from the rapid pace of technological change with the tools and networks of digital media. 2. We discuss the critical changes from when the book was first published in 2007. But we also riff on what has stayed the same, as in, why it is critical to define your buyer personas. [Hint: NOT developing buyer personas, and thus knowing what to say and how to say it to your target market is the biggest reason why most organizations still struggle with online media...] 3. Too many organizations still aren't willing to do the work to really understand their target market, dialing that important step in with silly surveys. "There's no strategy here, people are making s__t up in their offices..." 4. In a past show, we talked with David about Newsjacking. The practice now has it's own chapter in the 4th edition, and we discuss why: "Google indexing in real-time changed everything..." 5. We've come a long way since the first edition, but we discuss what organizations are still doing wrong, even after all these years... 6. The power of marketing with images: why Instagram, Pinterest, and infographics matter. 7. "Good marketing is just helping someone tell their own cool story..." 8. "Too many marketers and PR people still think you have to coerce people to do things..." 9. The future is mobile. And perhaps revisiting the fundamentals... You can learn more about David Meerman Scott here, and purchase the book below (affiliate link): ### To hear from other intrepid souls like David Meerman Scott, please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes. And, leaving a review and customer rating would be appreciated as well! This is episode 94.