Rewired, Part 3, Aug 7, 2011

The Rock of KC show

Summary: A Renewed Mind Rom. 12:1-2 - through a renewed/rewired mind we can kmnow God's will 2 Cor. 10:3-5 - take every thought captive and make it obedient to God Isa. 30:15, Phil. 3:19 - need spiritual discernment - a non-conformed mind - not one that's out of touch with the people that need to hear God like the Pharisees were, but we use our mind to choose who to listen to. Not obsessed with outer beauty, but God' inward beauty in me. - world: obsessed with consumerism, God is obsessed with giving - world: focused on success, God is looking vor servanthood - world: focused on revenge, God is looking for forgiveness - world: focused on self-gratification and self-exhaltation, God is looking for humility and sacrifice God's solution: Rom. 8:5-6 - have a spiritual mind 1 Cor. 2:9-16 - we have the mind of Christ - Holy Spirit teaches us about God and His mind - natural man doesn't receive things from the Spirit of God, doesn't have the capacity to understand. God help me to reach them through something they can understand - spiritual man trust God - against human logic - 1 Cor. 3:1-3 - christians can still walk as a natural man