Rewired, Part 4, Aug 14, 2011

The Rock of KC show

Summary: Rom. 12:1-11 - renewing your mind by digging into God's Word v. 1 - we can react as either carnal man, natural man, or spiritual man - everything I have belongs to God, I am to present it all to Him v. 2 - being transformed - meditating on the Word, not just reading it (Prov. 4:5-6). Don't be conformed but have discipline v.3 - grace has been given to every person. I'm not better than anyone else. The level of faith varies, but don't pass judgement. How can I help other's faith grow? v. 4-5 - we all have different functions in the body of Christ. We can't all think our gift is the answer to every problem. v. 6 - don't judge others, we all have different ifts and levels according to the grace given to each of us. v.8 - most mercy people aren't cheerful (like Mary and Martha). Work hard to have a cheerful attitude. v.9 - be sincere in love (not hypocritical or two-faced). A renewed mind forgives. - must hate what is evil and cling to what is good (both) at the same time v.10 - devoted - not a casual commitment. Honoring others above myself goes against the world's values. Renew your mind by honoring others. v.11 - keep your spiritual fervor - take responsibility for my own spiritual growth, and ask for help when I need it.