My Empty Jar, Mar 11, 2012

The Rock of KC show

Summary: Gen. 1:27-29, 1 Kings 17:8-24, 2 Kings 3:9-24, Mark 6:34-42, John 2:1-11 (weddings are important in the eyes of God), 2 Kings 4:1-7 - partnering with God for supernatural provision 9 truths: 1. man was given dominion, but not ownership (Ps. 24:1) 2. growth is not man's domain (1 Cor. 3:6-7) - we only plant the seeds, God causes the growth 3. God involves us in the process 4. start with what you have 5. you always have a seed - God always has a seed for you 6. God cannot lie 7. God cannot fail 8. God cannot be second - He's the first and the last - "seek first the Kingdom of God", - first things first, need to fix the leaks before you can receive more, - tithe is first fruits, offerings come after 9. Get the Order Right: a.Tithe : This will break greed faster than anything. You must be willing to fix the leaks in order to receive more. b. Offerings: Planned, Purposeful, Regular, Joyful c. Beyond Our Means: (2 Cor.8:3) - Natural First-Supernatural Second - When You Need an Increase quit looking for a miracle and look for a jar!