Is There Not A Cause? Part 1, Apr 15, 2012

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - 1 Sam. 17:1-47 - the israelite army was listening to the enemy and was scared. David heard Goliath and a spark welled up inside to defend God's honor. - Saul lost sight of God (v. 35-36) - Characteristics of a Cause: 1. it is bigger than any of us (Col. 3:17) - we are here for teh glory of God - the kingdom of God is first - not my family or possessions - everything I do is to the glory of God 2. it is something you will die for 3. you are in its hand - it possesses you, you don't possess it, it is not self-possessed 4. it leaves you with no choice - you must deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus (Matt 16:24) 5. you exist for the cause 6. you can't ignore it - the Holy Spirit is constantly nudging me to glorify God in my life and words, and convicting me when I'm wrong. 7. it has eternal significance 8. it never changes - it's always the glorification of Jesus Christ 9. it generates power 10. it creates change