Show 829: Deer Abby dating advice for the lonely huntress: how to date a guy who doesnt hunt. 18th annual Castle Rock Triathlon July 27. New state-record whitefish caught off Sheboygan. Jeff fishes Lake Winnebago for perch. Dan fishes Lake Michigan and ri

Outdoors Radio with Dan Small show

Summary: Exclusive to podcast and FM 100.5 ESPN broadcast: McFarland fishing guide Ron Barefield reports fantastic smallmouth action on the Wisconsin River, with 40-fish days and multiple fish over 18 inches. Castle Rock Park manager Mark Miller and event coordinator Kevin Beaver share details about the Castle Rock Triathlon, July 27 in Adams County. (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>) Lisa Jane, aka The Writing Huntress, talks about her blog, Hunt Like Youre hungry, and her new advice column for the Womens Outdoor News. (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>) Captain Dan Welsch reports on Lake Michigan trout and salmon action off Sheboygan and tells about the new state-record whitefish one of his boats caught last week. (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) Our weekly giveaway is a bottle of Meyer Brothers Old Fashioned Mix. Log onto <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and look for the answer to this clue: <i>This Vilas County liquor store is named for a rare variation of our favorite big game animal thats fairly common up in that part of the state.</i> If you think you know the answer, call 414-297-7554 by noon CDT on Monday, July 22 and leave your answer, your name and phone number. Our spring/summer giveaway is a fishing, lodging, meals and tackle package on the Turtle Flambeau Flowage in Mercer, Wisconsin, worth more than $1,300: three nights lodging for two at Anglers Paradise, dinner at Gateway Lodge, lunch at Subway of Mercer, guided fishing for walleyes with Doc Sabec and muskies with Bobby Orr, $30 in Mercer Loon Dollars and a Shimano Convergence walleye rod and Symetre reel. To enter, log onto <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, click on <i>Enter to Win</i>, and look for the Dan Small Outdoors Radio giveaway.